Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am lost-----

June 26, 2008 "WHERE AM I"
This spot I found but accidentally so not sure which part of the woods I am traveling but the path not too clear. I thought I was setting up columns!
Otherwise I guess I am OK..the computer has not shut down on me (yet!)
Somewhere I caught glimpse of "check spelling" but have lost it..oh no, now I is on the top row at this point!!
I went to bed last evening wondering what I have done the past six months since Christmas..not much it seems and now (at least last night) I have exactly six more months till Christmas is here again.. And I thought, you had better do your Christmas letter soon as when that time rolls around your left hand will be in a cast, etc.
But I want this to be in columns
and not have to, manually backspace (like this)
to make it happen!!! This makes me think
of my first day in kindergarten when I thought
by being there I would totally learn how to
read..and cried all the way home and the rest
of the afternoon to Mama that I went and was
very good and still I cannot read. It took her some
time to convince me I still had hopes of reading.
I have to sign off and go find how to make columns!!!
Love to all and Jim too.

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